Some Of The Best Lessons In Life Are When You Are Proved Just So Wrong In Your Thinking!!


I completed the Empower Yourself To Heal (EYTH) course in May 2013.  When diagnosed with cancer 12 months beforehand I heard that the Cancer Care Centre was due to run its flagship ‘EYTH’ 12 week course. Initially I thought to myself that I would only be wasting ‘my time’- 12 precious Saturday mornings would be the last thing I would want to give up over a period of three months in order to take part. I also reconciled myself to the fact that I would be able to come up with a reasonable excuse as to why I had to miss some Saturday’s, after all no-one was going to tie me down for 12 Saturday mornings in a row. Nothing could offer me that much value.


My assumptions included the fact that I would expect people coming together to the CCC would be a morbid and sad exercise and I asked myself why I would want to talk about dealing with cancer to people with cancer.


Well the experience was the complete opposite.  I would sum it up in a sentence. The participants, the course and the Cancer Care Centre environment all contributed to a really positive experience of strength and a place of hope.


The EYTH course was about encouraging everyone to seek knowledge and possibilities. About giving you choices of how you can accept a situation and adapt to it.  Within two weeks of attending I was not going to be missing these sessions under any circumstances. I noticed on the last morning that a reflection of the experience for all the participants was ‘Inner Peace’, hope, the importance of attitude and personal choice. Self-reflection about cancer and the meaning of cancer and what learning opportunities did cancer bring us.



Client, Cancer Care Centre


Editor: The next Empower Yourself to Heal course commences on Monday 17 March 2014